
With a new webinar series, we helped customers with their most pressing recruitment challenges and kept them informed of best practices and the latest recruitment trends.

Launching a Thought Leadership Webinar Series

I joined Monster in 2006 and immediately began working with our global research team, Monster Insights, to showcase the company’s thought leadership and knowledge of the online recruitment space. Online webinars were a new marketing tactic, but one that I was confident could help drive awareness of Monster’s in-depth knowledge of recruiting.  Working with the research team, we:

  • Identified a technical platform to host the events
  • Set up campaigns to promote the series pre- and post-event
  • Developed a content calendar drawing from our vast array of knowledge experts in and outside of the company
  • Established a format and brand for the series

The webinar series did not tout Monster products. Instead, we provided value to our listeners. Third-party experts provided actionable information, helping customers meet their recruitment challenges.  Over five years, we’ve  had over 30,000 customers across all industries register for these 1-hour events.  

We successfully met the goals of the webinar program:

  • Maintained Monster as a leader in the recruitment space.  Webinar topics include research results, hiring trends, workplace challenges and labor market issues. Monster is seen as understanding these issues and providing insight into new ways to meet recruitment goals.
  • Helped Monster customers with the key challenges they face. Customers relay on Monster to provide guidance and assistance in the dynamic online recruitment space.
  • Provided leads to our sales teams. Though webinars were never about Monster products, many did relate to challenges Monster products and services could help solve. Sales teams understood who attended the webinars and their recruitment challenges.  This assisted in post-event sales conversations.
  • Generated revenue for Monster. Some webinars were sponsored by our customers.  Sponsors received exposure in the webinar invitation process, on the Monster site, during the webinar and in communications after the event.  Hundreds of thousands of sponsorship dollars were generated each year through the webinar program.

Each year we hosted 15-20 of these events.  Over 95 percent of those attending the webinar series were very satisfied or satisfied with the events and 98 percent said they would attend additional webinars.